Conferencias de las zonas de Metepec, Toluca, Lerma and Zitácuaro
Bienvenido y la parte seria
Before we started the talent sharing part of the conference, President Whitehead talked about the Savior and his birth and the opportunity that we have to share the gospel with the world.
Antes de empezar la parte de la conferencia de compartir los talentos, el Presidente Whitehead nos habló sobre el Salvador y su nacimiento y la oportunidad que tenemos para compartir el evangelio con el mundo.
Back in September he gave all the missionaries the charge to read the Book of Mormon, cover to cover before Christmas as a gift to the Savior. He asked the missionaries to tell how reading the Book of Mormon had changed them and what they had learned. The responses that the missionaries gave were heartfelt, touching, and lifted all our testimonies.
En septiembre él dio a todos los misioneros el cargo a leer el libro de Mormón tapa a la tapa antes de la Navidad como un regalo al Salvador. Preguntó a los misioneros cómo leer el Libro de Mormón había cambiado sus vidas y lo que habían aprendido. Las respuestas que dieron eran sinceras y conmovedora y levantaron nuestros testimonios.
Bienvenidos a todos
Welcome everyone
Elder Carrillo led us in the scripture and Dr. Stevens and his wife taught us about the 10 commandments of Health.
Elder Carrillo led us in the scripture and Dr. Stevens and his wife taught us about the 10 commandments of Health.
Elders Thomas, Bird, Venegas, Rigby, Hna. Tameilau, Salazar. Elders Avila. Hna. Garber y Herrá.
Sharing feelings about reading the Book of Mormon.
Elder Lowe, Dr. y Hna. Stevens y los asistentes Elder Goodrich y Elder Mason.
Elder Lowe, financial secretary.
Elder Hirsch y Elder Lowe, role playing. Brrring. Brrring
Elder Hirsch, zone leader de Lerma.
Elder Veazey, zone leader de Lerma. These two zone leaders taught us about getting references. They said that we should have an attitude that reflects: "We love to be rejected".
Nos ensenaron que debemos tener la actitud de "Nos encanta ser rechazados".
Elder Lowe, always the computer whiz, with Elders Veazey y Hirsch.
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